MATLAB Compiler to create EXE file
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>> help mcc
>> mcc -m m파일명
위의 명령어를 Matlab CommandWindow에서 입력하면 *.exe 파일이 생성되고 아래와 같은 readme.txt 파일도 생성된다.
아래의 내용을 보면 배포될 시스템에 MCR이 설치되어 있어야 하는데, MCRInstaller.exe 파일을 다운로드하여 실행하면 된다는 것이다.
MATLAB Compiler 1. Prerequisites for Deployment . Verify the MATLAB Compiler Runtime (MCR) is installed and ensure you have installed version 7.17 (R2012a). . If the MCR is not installed, do following: (1) enter >>mcrinstaller at MATLAB prompt. This MCR Installer command displays the location of the MCR Installer. (2) run the MCR Installer. Or download Windows 32bit version of MCR from the MathWorks website: For more information about the MCR and the MCR Installer, see 밯orking With the MCR?in the MATLAB Compiler User뭩 Guide. NOTE: You will need administrator rights to run MCRInstaller. 2. Files to Deploy and Package Files to package for Standalone ================================ -CropValidRegion.exe -MCRInstaller.exe -include when building component by clicking "Add MCR" link in deploytool -This readme file 3. Definitions For information on deployment terminology, go to Select your product and see the Glossary in the User뭩 Guide.