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HTML Converter

Using the HTML Converter to Convert Applet Tags for Java Plug-in

The Java Plug-in HTML Converter is a utility for converting an HTML page (file) containing applets to a format for Java Plug-in. The conversion process is as follows:
First, HTML that is not part of an applet is transferred from the source file to a temporary file.  Then, when an <APPLET> tag is reached, the converter parses the applet to the first </APPLET> tag (not contained in quotes) and merges the applet data with the template. (See Details about templates in the section called More About HTML Converter for more information.) If this completes without error, the original HTML file is moved to the backup folder and the temporary file is then renamed as the original file's name. 

The converter effectively converts the files in place.  Thus, once the converter runs, files are setup for Java Plug-in.

For detailed information about installing and using the HTML Converter, see More About HTML Converter.

Running the converter from the command line:


java -jar htmlconverter.jar [-options1 value1 [-option2 value2 [...]]] [-simulate] [filespecs]

If only "java -jar htmlconverter.jar -gui" is specified (only -gui option with no filespecs), the GUI version of the converter will be launched.  Otherwise, the GUI will be suppressed.

space-delimited list of file specifications which may include wildcard (*), e.g. *.html, file*.html).

Set to preview a conversion without actually doing the conversion. Use this option if you are unsure about a conversion. You will be shown detail information about the conversion had it been done.

Options: Description
-source Path to files; e.g., c:\htmldocs in Windows, /home/user1/htmldocs in Unix. Default is <userdir>
If the path is relative, it is assumed to be relative to the directory from which the HTMLConverter was launched.
-dest Path to converter file location. Default: <usrdir>
-backup Path to the directory where you want backup files to be stored.  Default: <source>_BAK
If the path is relative, it is assumed to be relative to the directory from which the HTMLConverter was launched.
-f Force overwritting of backup files.
-subdirs Sets whether files in subdirectories should be converted or not.  Default:  false

Name of template file to use for conversion.  Default:  Standard (IE & Navigator) for Windows & Solaris Only

Note: Use the default if you are unsure.

-log Path and filename for the log.  If not provided, no log file is written.
-progress Set to display standard out progress during conversion.  Default: true
-latest Use the latest JRE supporting the MIME type.
-gui Display the graphical user interface for the converter.