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Oracle/JOIN Operation 01

JOIN Operation 01

The Table Tennis Olympics Database

The table ttms shows the Olympic medal winners for Table Tennis (Men's Singles). The country of each winner is given by a three letter code. To get the actual country name you must JOIN this table to the country table.
games color who country
1988 gold Yoo Nam-Kyu KOR
1988 silver Kim Ki Taik KOR
.. .. .. ..
id name
ALG Algeria
ARG Argentina
ARU Aruba
.. ..

How to do joins.
The phrase FROM ttms JOIN country ON ttms.country=country.id represents the join of the tables ttms and country. This JOIN has one row for every medal winner. In addition to the ttms fields (games, color, who and country) it includes the details of the corresponding country (id, name ).

Show the athelete (who) and the country name for medal winners in 2000.
ttms(games, color, who, country)
country(id, name)

SELECT who, country.name
  FROM ttms JOIN country
         ON (ttms.country=country.id)
 WHERE games = 2000

Women's Singles Table Tennis Olympics Database

The Summer Olympic games are held every four years in a different city. The table games shows which city the games were held in. The Women's Single's winners are in the table ttws.
games color who country
1988 gold Jing Chen CHN
1988 silver Li Hui-Fen CHN
.. .. .. ..
yr city country
1988 Seoul KOR
1992 Barcelona ESP
.. .. ..
2a. Show who won medals in the 'Barcelona' games.
ttws(games, color, who, country)
games(yr, city, country)

SELECT who, city
  FROM ttws JOIN games
            ON (ttws.games=games.yr)
  WHERE city = 'Seoul'