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Arduino Joystick input example

아두이노와 조이스틱을 연결하여 입력을 받는 예


조이스틱은 2개의 가변저항을 이용하여 2개의 축(x, y)에 대한 조작 정보를 입력할 수 있다. 1개의 가변저항을 통해 아나로그 값을 디지털 값으로 변환할 수 있다면 동일한 내용을 하나더 추가하면 된다

/* Read Jostick
  * ------------
  * Reads two analog pins that are supposed to be
  * connected to a jostick made of two potentiometers
  * We send three bytes back to the comp: one header and two
  * with data as signed bytes, this will take the form:
  *     Jxy\r\n
  * x and y are integers and sent in ASCII 
  * http://www.0j0.org | http://arduino.berlios.de
  * copyleft 2005 DojoDave for DojoCorp

 int ledPin = 13;
 int joyPin1 = 0;                 // slider variable connecetd to analog pin 0
 int joyPin2 = 1;                 // slider variable connecetd to analog pin 1
 int value1 = 0;                  // variable to read the value from the analog pin 0
 int value2 = 0;                  // variable to read the value from the analog pin 1

 void setup() {
  pinMode(ledPin, OUTPUT);              // initializes digital pins 0 to 7 as outputs

 int treatValue(int data) {
  return (data * 9 / 1024) + 48;

 void loop() {
  // reads the value of the variable resistor 
  value1 = analogRead(joyPin1);   
  // this small pause is needed between reading
  // analog pins, otherwise we get the same value twice
  // reads the value of the variable resistor 
  value2 = analogRead(joyPin2);   

  digitalWrite(ledPin, HIGH);           
  digitalWrite(ledPin, LOW);